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Your posts. Have fun crafting your personal board.


Track your books. You can import your books from another platform in Settings.


Storygazing. Immerse yourself in a story like never before!


Stats and graphs about your reading habits.


Embark upon fun book-reading quests.


Book lists created by our community.


Professional artists and awesome artworks.

Looking for a friend? Tap on the icon next to the books search bar.



The place to catch up with reader friends. The Inspiration feed is filled with creative posts and updates from the book world, and the updates feed shows your friends' reading updates.

You will also find some shortcuts here: to your In Progress Collection, to Trending Books and to your Book Memory Lane quest.


Your board contains all your original posts. You can also see your reposts here. When visiting someone else's profile you can see their board and reposts as well.

Your plus-oned posts are private. They're the posts to which you've given +1 Inspiration Token.


Your library is organized by default into 5 base collections or statuses. Every book that you add to your library needs to have one of these 5 statuses: Under Consideration, To Be Read, In Progress, Abandoned, Read or Being Reread. You can create custom collections in your library and add your books to them. A single book in your library can belong to as many collections as you want. You can even have collections inside collections.

You can also add tags to your books. Your tags are not used as Public Tags for the books, so feel free to use anything you want, they're just for your personal library's organization. Unless your book is private, your tags and collections are publicly visible.

What's the difference between Under Consideration and To Be Read? This status separation exists so that you have the option of keeping your TBR clean if you want, filled only with books that you are certainly going to be reading in the near future.

And how is In Progress different from Being Reread? If you mark a book as Being Reread, then it will still count as if you have already read it (for all purposes of stats, quests, and so on), whereas In Progress means you're reading it for the first time.


The place where the Storygazing magic happens. The Storylace Theater is where you can enjoy an immersive reading experience. Read The Storygazer's Guide to the Theater for more information on how it works.


Get your stats and graphs based on the books that you have in your library. It's even better when you keep track of both the Start Dates and End Dates of your reads.

You can see your Stats from All-Time or by year. The years available in the dropdown depend on the Read Dates of your books.

The All-Time page shows your current approximate reading speed based on your last 10 reads. This is calculated using your Read Dates. When looking at your stats for a specific year, all your reads of that year are used to calculate your reading speed of that year.


Reading books and stories is one of the most amazing ways to grow as a person, and a great way to discover more about yourself. Quests help you set new goals and discover where you've been, where you are and where you're going in your reading journey. They vary in difficulty and you unlock rewards by completing them.

The Book Memory Lane is a special kind of quest. Every year you can set a goal of how many books you want to read. Rereads of your favorite books count also count. You can also set the goal as number of pages or audiobooks hours if you prefer. This quest will help you relive magical moments and bring back some sweet memories.


The Lists, or as we like to call it, the List Forge, is the place where you can create any kind of book list. Read List are lists where people can only add books they've 'Read'. Book Lists are lists where any book can be added; for example, for creating lists of anticipated book releases. Lastly, Polls are perfect for collecting votes on books; for example to decide on what to read next together with your book club.

You can always challenge yourself to read a certain number of books from a list. People can see that you're a participating challenger, but the number of books you decide to set as your goal for the challenge is private and completely personal.

Artists Alley

The Artists' Alley page helps you discover awesome artists and artworks. Its main purpose is to increase the visibility of artists who love books.

It's especially useful if you're looking to hire an artist for a project, for example, book covers, interior illustrations or some other kind of commission. There are many wonderful artists out there and choosing between a few different equally good styles can be tough. This page will hopefully make things a little bit easier for you.


How do I import my Book Tracking data from another website?

We currently support importing your book tracking data from Goodreads, LibraryThing and The Storygraph. You can do so in Account Settings. Your entire library will be imported. Note that there is some data that the other platforms do not export, therefore you would have to add it here manually. For example, Goodreads does not export Start Dates of your reads.

How do I add a new book to my library?

Search for a book edition using the search bar at the top of the page. Once you're on that page, you can use the My Book button to open the My Book panel. There, you can select your status for that book and hit the Save button, that's it. If you want to do it even faster, there's a button with a lightning icon next to My Book which opens the Quick Add menu. Selecting any status will automatically put the book in your library as well.

Note that if you mark a book as 'In Progress', that automatically adds a new read for you with a Start Date of today.

How do I add a book that is not in the Storylace database?

In your Library, at the bottom of the page, there is a link that takes you to a form where you can create a new book. This book is not immediately added to the Storylace database, it's first reviewed by Storylace Librarians. Please fill in as much information about the book as you can to make things easier and get it into the database as soon as possible. Thank you for your contributions.

How do I fix incorrect book data?

You can either become a librarian to fix things yourself immediately, or you use theSuggest an Edit button to send librarians a note of what's wrong.

What are the genres and their definitions?

Please take a look at our Genres page.

Can I add a single book to multiple quests?

Of course! Part of the fun comes from discovering how different books that you've read contributes towards completing multiple quests.

What can I use crystals for?

The crystals obtained through quests are just for fun, simple tokens that celebrate your reading achievements! You can see other people's crystal counts to get an instant idea of how many quests they have completed themselves. Perhaphs you can get some reading inspiration by browsing through their quests.

What counts as a reread?

Books that have multiple read dates in My Book will count as rereads.

What generates notifications?

  • Follows.
  • Comments.
  • Likes on comments.
  • Likes on reading updates.

What does NOT generate a notification?

Everything else, including:

  • Checking affinities.
  • Giving +1 Inspiration Token to a Post (your plus-oned posts are private).
  • Upvoting book reviews.